Sunday, October 25, 2009

Alphabet Soup

Everyday is a learning experience. My work at Druk White Lotus/Druk Padma Karpo has become more intense and I'm loving it more than ever. On November 1st I will begin teaching English to the teaching and non-teaching staff. The English classes will continue through the 3 month winter break of the school year. I am glad to have something to do to fill the time and hopeful that I will, in the process of teaching Ladakhi men and women English, have the opportunity to improve my Ladakhi.

The most recent photographic work finished with the children has been the 'Alphabet Soup' project. In this project, the children divided the English alphabet up into three sections, choosing words from three languages in which they are fluent (English, Hindi, and Ladakhi) to represent each letter of the alphabet. After choosing the words, they went outside (or inside, as the condition called for by their chosen word) and created photographs of these objects. It was a very time consuming project for the kids, taking over a month of photo sessions to complete, but it was extremely successful - the most successful to date, I believe.

I can't express how much I'm learning by working with these students. They have all become teachers for me on how to be a better and more efficient teacher. I wouldn't trade this experience or my time here for anything. The winter has set in and it's getting very cold here. The pipes are freezing. There is little water to be had. And still, these children get ahold of the cameras and run outside faster than I can keep up with them. They are hearty fellows and full of heart. I can't wait to post the next project.